[registrars] Using IANA IDs

Robbie Birkner rbirkner at key-systems.net
Tue Aug 10 09:29:39 UTC 2004

Key-Systems would also like to see this change happen to the benefit of 
the registrant.


Thomas Keller schrieb:

>Schlund is definitely in SUPPORT of such a change. I hope that
>the migration to EPP 1.0 will provide us with the possibility
>to implement such a change.
>Am 10.08.2004 schrieb Marcus Faure:
>>Hi all,
>>I propose that the registries implement the following change:
>>Instead of using proprietory registrar ids, standardized ids shall be used
>>both on protocol level (rrp/epp/reports etc.) and in the whois output.
>>The effect would be that for example CORE is IANA-15 in all registry
>>communication and not R135-LRMS at Afilias, R23-LROR at PIR and so on.
>>Especially transfers would become simpler, e.g. registrants will be less 
>>confused who they want to transfer their domain to,
>(oo)    /|\	A cow is not entirely full of
>  | |--/ | *    milk some of it is hamburger!
>  w w w  w  

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