[registrars] Selection of the Budget Advisory Group.

Robert F. Connelly rconnell at psi-japan.com
Tue Jan 6 19:08:18 UTC 2004

Dear Registrars:

The time frame was set by Elana, as follows:

The Constituency Secretary (Bob) will publish any motion with candidate 
names within 48 hours of a nomination.

Nominations can be made through January 2, 2004

The ballot will be published by January 6

The ballot will remain for inspection and possible amendment until January 8.

The vote will close on January 15.

All Members that have registered to vote by January 8.

There are ambiguities and errors in the Rules of Procedure.  Elana has 
directed me to proceed with a more conventional nomination procedure. The 
words "nomination" and "second" are to be taken as synonymous with 
"endorse", more like endorsing a check.

The following members have been nominated, seconded, accepted and conflict 
of interest statements filed:

Tom Barrett
Elana Broitman
Brian Cute
Rob Hall
Tim Ruiz
Sigmund Solares
Bhavin Turakhia
Rick Wesson

Bhavin has questioned whether his firm has paid dues for 2003.  I'll let 
the Treasurer address that issue.  I know we sent them at $250.  I'm not 
sure that invoices were sent.

It is normal for Rick to prepare the ballot.  That should be done today, 
should be available to examination until the 8th.  The ballot should be 
posted on Boardrooms on the 8th and voting should continue till the 15th.

More Anon, BobC
Secretary, RC.

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