[registrars] We've come so far -- and there's so far to go;-(

Robert F. Connelly rconnell at psi-japan.com
Wed Jan 7 00:03:19 UTC 2004

Dear Colleagues:

We complained to Verisign about having one of our transfer requests 
naked.  We have hard copies with seals on them for all our requests for 
transfer. But our clientele is largely Japanese and English notices are 
either complicated or are just deleted as spam.  Here is the answer 
Verisign received from one registrar about our request for transfer:

XYX Registrar requires that the current admin contact respond within a
specified amount of time, I believe to be 4 days.  If the admin contact
does not respond in 4 days we automatically cancel the request.  This is a
industry standard practice.

end quote:

Is that "standard industrial practice"?  If so, I guess we should get on 
the ball and start naking more transfer requests.  We don't want to be 
considered "non-standard";-(

Regards, BobC

If something doesn't seem right, ask yourself whether you are a part of the 
*solution* --  or a part of the *problem*;-} 

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