[registrars] DRAFT 3: registrars constituency statement on approval process for changes in gtld services (Registry Services)

Robert F. Connelly rconnell at psi-japan.com
Wed Jan 21 15:35:53 UTC 2004

         At 04:32 AM 1/21/04, Tim Ruiz wrote:
>I endorse the draft.
>Tim Ruiz
>Go Daddy Software, Inc.
>-----Original Message-----
>So far I have seen the following endorsements on the registrars list:
>- Bob Connelly
>- Elana Broitman
>- Tom Barrett

If necessary, I confirm my endorsement and extend it to this third draft.

>I have had feedback from Tom Keller and Tim Ruiz - are you both now
>prepared to endorse the draft so that it may proceed to a vote (I need a
>total of 5 endorsements under our bylaws)?
>Bruce Tonkin

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