[registrars] WIPO II discussion.

Robert F. Connelly rconnell at psi-japan.com
Mon Jan 26 19:47:26 UTC 2004

Dear Registrars:

Please note the following agenda items:

3. WIPO II report - Report by Bob Connelly.
4. WLS and SiteFinder – Report by ICANN
5. Joint meeting with other constituencies - Business, ISP
6. Joint meeting with the GAC, if they agree, to discuss ITU and UN 
meetings regarding Internet governance.

I recommend moving #3 down to be included in #5.  What I believe would be 
the RC position is, IMO, compatible with the Registries and even IPR.

The primary, if not the only proponents of expanding the UDRP to IGOs and 
country names are speaking for GAC.  I suggest that there would be much 
benefit of vetting the issue during #5 in the absence of GAC.

Then be prepare to rebut the WIPO II issue with GAC.

Of considerable consequence is the GAC intent to make the arbitration 
mandatory, not options for the GAC issues.  There is strong opposition, 
several informed participants claim it would result in ICANN creating 
International law:-(

It should be noted that very few of the GAC delegation to the committee 
ever join the teleconferences.  Mostly it is a WIPO representative that 
carries the water for GAC.

I should also state that there is to be a meeting of the WIPO II committee 
in Rome.  GAC would like for it to be on the 29th, a Sunday. In the prior 
teleconference two weeks ago, 1 March was proposed.  Accordingly, I bought 
my ticket to arrive at 11:25 on the 1st.  I'm already staying *one* 
Saturday night.

This morning, there was grudging acceptance of 3:00 pm on 1 March, but it 
is not definite.

Your comments are solicited.

Regards, BobC 

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