[registrars] Resellers a burden upon ICANN

elliot noss enoss at tucows.com
Sat Jun 12 01:54:03 UTC 2004

no more coffee and donuts for you!

Duane Connelly wrote:
> ICANN spends much of it time helping promote the stability of the 
> Internet, promote its growth and even go so far as to go to China to 
> help explain it`s role and expand the Internet as Mr Cerf did recently. 
> This kind of promotion helps large and small registrars, but large 
> registrar sales are much higher due to the funds they can pour into 
> sponsorships.
> The last time you had coffee and donuts at a ICANN meeting was probably 
> brought to you by your friendly large registrar , and they had 3-5 
> people from working the coffee area promoting their products and services.
> Duane Connelly
> PSI-Japan

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