[registrars] timing of the KL Meeting

Elana Broitman ebroitman at register.com
Fri May 21 18:40:09 UTC 2004

Registrars - good news! ICANN will be able to move us to either Wednesday or Thursday, depending on when they schedule another workshop. We will hear soon.  That should accommodate people's schedules better.  We will hold our meeting on such new date.

However, for purposes of 3 cross-constituency meetings, we will still need to schedule several hours on Monday.  I apologize to those not arriving then, but we can't move the other constituencies.  I will, however, try to schedule the Monday meetings in the afternoon.

I hope this new schedule accommodates more people.


Elana Broitman
575 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10018
Phone (212) 798-9215
> EFax  (800) 886-2716
Fax   (212) 629-9309
ebroitman at register.com 

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