[registrars] Regarding sections of the .net RFP that will be kept confidential

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Sat Nov 20 18:46:00 UTC 2004

Hello All,

Upon reading the .net RFP, I notice that ICANN is proposing to keep
sections relating to the transition plan from RRP to EPP, and registry
services confidential.   Given recent events, I would like to ensure
that registrars get as much chance as posisble to comment on any
proposed changes in the operation of .net that will affect registrars.

I have submitted the following public comment in this regard to the .net
public comments website.

Bruce Tonkin

From: http://forum.icann.org/lists/net-rfp-comments/msg00004.html 

I note on page 4, under the section of RFP structure, the RFP document
states that sections 2 and 3a  of Part 2 will remain confidential.
These sections contain information that would be important to registrars
in being able to provide effective public comments for the evaluators to

Section 2 (Equivalent access to registrars) is of great importance to
registrars.   For example 2 (a) includes sections on how the registry
operator will support registars in multiple time zones and multiple
languages.   Section 2 (b) describes how the registry operator will
transition from RRP to EPP v1.0.  It is hard to understand why this
section would be made confidential.   Registrars are probably in the
best position to offer public comments in the areas of section 2.

Section 3 (a) describes the registry services that the registry operator
proposes to provide.  The registry operator is required to assess the
benefits and burdens of these servidces, and describe how these will
apply to registrars.  Again registrars are likely to want the
opportunity to comment on any proposed services that may affect their
business.   It would seem to make more sense if 3(a) was meant to be
4(a), as 4 (a) refers to detailed financial statements.

Bruce Tonkin
Melbourne IT

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