[registrars] .Pro Registry Expansion

Robert F. Connelly rconnell at psi-japan.com
Fri Sep 17 23:46:50 UTC 2004

Dear Registrar Constituency:

RegistryPro would like to inform you that on September 27th, for the first
time since our launch on June 1st 2004, we will be offering the security and
identity-verification benefits of the new .Pro domain to doctors, lawyers
and public accountants outside of the United States.

Beginning September 27th eligible registrants in Canada will now be able to
sign up for distinctive .Pro domain names.  On October 4th we will expand
our operations to include the UK and on October 11th we will enter Germany.
If you would like additional information about this unique opportunity to
expand your business with a product targeted to one of the most
demographically attractive segments available, please contact
afeick at registrypro.pro.  We will be happy to answer any question that you
have or to provide you with additional product and pricing information.

RegistryPro looks forward to working with you!


RegistryPro Team

[Posted by BobC, Secretary]

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