[registrars] Constituency meeting agenda

Bhavin Turakhia bhavin.t at directi.com
Fri Jun 17 16:06:12 UTC 2005

Hi all,

Here is a rough draft of the agenda for luxembourg

If any of you have any suggestions or additions/deletiobns - please send an
email to the list or me

Opening, registration and introductions.

Closed Meeting Registrars only

Meeting with ICANN Staff (4 hours)
	* Budget - Kurt/Diane
	* ICANN RAA Review - Tim Cole
	* ICANN Strategic Plan
	* Verisign Batch pool contention discussion
	* Any new ICANN positions
	* Status on sTLD applicants
	* Update on gTLD selection process
	* ICANN and WSIS updates?
	* Time with Paul Twomey
	* Revised Registry Service Approval Process
	* Transfers policy - Tina Dam

* Add grace period abuse discussions

* Various Task Forces Reports
	* Whois task force

* Verisign Batch pool contention discussion

* PIR meeting requested by Bruce (15 minutes)

* Registry constituency meeting (2 hours)

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