[registrars] FW: Number of current registrar applications

Tim Cole cole at icann.org
Sat Mar 12 02:13:15 UTC 2005

Dear Registrars,


This is an update to my message of 14 January 2005 wherein I passed along
Tina Dam's email with the number of pending registrar accreditation
applications.  Since that time the number of applications has leveled off
with about 45 in the pipeline at present.  The count of accredited
registrars today stands at 467, which is about 75 more than we had when I
wrote in January.  I thought you might find this information useful.



Tim Cole 
Chief Registrar Liaison 
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers 

4676  Admiralty Way, Suite 330 
Marina del Rey, CA  90292-6601 

Direct:  310 301-5811 
Fax:  310 823-8649 

cole at icann.org 


Email from Karen Lentz to Registry Operators and Sponsors


From: Karen Lentz [mailto:lentz at icann.org] 
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 16:17 PM
To: gTLD Registry Operators and Sponsors

Subject: Number of current registrar applications


Dear gTLD Registry Operators and Sponsors,


In the past, we have written to you to let you know about a substantial
increase in the number of applications for ICANN registrar accreditation.
As you have seen over the past few quarters, the number of applications has
stabilized.  As of today, ICANN has approximately 45 open applications in
our "queue."


I hope this information will be helpful to you in your planning.  Please let
me know if you have any questions.


Best regards,




Karen Lentz

gTLD Registry Liaison



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