[registrars] Proposed Agenda for December 5th RC Meeting

Nevett, Jonathon jnevett at networksolutions.com
Mon Dec 4 18:07:55 UTC 2006

The following is the updated agenda for tomorrow's meeting.  Bob has
sent the call-in information to the voting list.  Please contact him if
you haven't received it and want to call in.  Thanks.  Jon


       9:00 - 9:15      Welcome/Announcements - Jon Nevett

 9:15 - 9:45      Presentation on Antitrust Don'ts - Amy Stathos, ICANN

       9:45 - 10:15     Officer Reports 

                          Chair - Jon 

                          Vice Chair - Tim Ruiz

                          Secretary - Jay Westerdal

                          Treasurer - Bob Connelly                

      10:15 - 11:15     GNSO/Task Force Reports

                          GNSO - Bruce Tonkin/Ross Rader/Tom Keller

                          Whois Task Force - Ross/Tim/Paul Stahura

                          New TLD Task Force - Bruce/Ross/Tom

                          Registry Contracts Task Force - Jon/Jeff

            11:15 - 11:30     Updates on Pending Registry Agreements -

11:30 - 11:45     Nominating Committee Discussion

      11:45 - 12:30     Working Lunch/New Website Demo - Jay 

      12:30 - 13:15     GNSO Reform Issues - Ross 

13:15 - 14:00     ICANN Issues/Presentation - Tim Cole/Mike Zupke      

14:00 - 14:30     ICANN Budget - Kurt Pritz     

14:30 - 15:30     ICANN Board/Registrar Meeting

15:30 - 15:45     Break 

15:45 - 16:00     Discussion on Fast Track Motions

      16:00 - 17:00     Joint Registry-Registrar Meeting

            17:00 - 17:15     .org Description of "Restocking Fee"

17:15 - 18:00     Specific Registry Presentations (.es, .asia & .mobi)

18:00            Wrap-Up


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