[registrars] [Fwd: [council] Wellington good news]

Ross Rader ross at tucows.com
Thu Mar 16 23:11:38 UTC 2006

I'm happy to be the bearer of this good news. I've heard that after 
happy hour is over that Bhavin would be totally cool with us heading 
back to his room for a daily mini-bar raid. :)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [council] Wellington  good news
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 00:05:50 +0100
From: GNSO.SECRETARIAT at GNSO.ICANN.ORG <gnso.secretariat at gnso.icann.org>
To: council at gnso.icann.org

ICANN Wellington
"Keith Davidson" <exe.dir at internetnz.net.nz>
Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:35:51 -0800


Pardon this intrusion, but I thought it might be useful to advise you
all my plans regarding some social aspects of the Wellington ICANN

As you are all aware, ICANN attendees are scattered around 7 hotels in
Wellington. I have been concerned that the ICANN attendees will
therefore tend to drift to their various hotels, and therefore we run
the risk of missing out on much of the usual social interaction.

I have therefore organised a bar, around 100 metres away from the
conference venue, which will be renamed the ICANN bar for the week. I
have a number of sponsors aligned to provide a "happy hour" at the ICANN
bar from around 5pm to 7pm each night from Sunday 26th. There will be
free beer and wine for the duration of the "happy hour". We will run a
theme each night, for each of the sponsors and there will be some little
prizes for attendees etc etc.

Pre-printed invitations to the Happy Hours will be included in the
delegates packs at registration, and we'll get details on the website
soon also. The location of the ICANN Bar is also shown on the map given
to delegates.

InternetNZ people will be hovering around the exit doors of the
Convention Centre from around 5pm each evening and offering to escort
people to the ICANN bar.

I am hopeful that you all might assist me by encouraging as much of the
ICANN crowd together each night at the ICANN Bar, and therefore ensuring
the geographical spread of hotels does not lead to a lack of opportunity
for all to mix and mingle?


Keith Davidson
Executive Director - InternetNZ

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat - ICANN

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