[registrars] Transfer Policy Clarifications

Paul Goldstone paulg at domainit.com
Thu Dec 13 20:18:57 UTC 2007


September 20th will land on a Thursday in 2012.

Are you sure that's enough time for the constituency to make a decision? ;)


At 03:03 PM 12/13/2007, Ross Rader wrote:

>The GNSO Council is about to embark on a policy development process to  
>clarify some issues related to the existing transfer policy. These  
>issues are enumerated in this document:
>The Council has chosen not to form a task force to undertake this  
>work. As a result, they have requested that each constituency submit  
>their views on the issues per the following clause of the bylaws:
>"a. If the Council decides not to convene a task force, the Council  
>will request that, within ten (10) calendar days thereafter, each  
>constituency appoint a representative to solicit the constituency's  
>views on the issue. Each such representative shall be asked to submit  
>a Constituency Statement to the Staff Manager within thirty-five (35)  
>calendar days after initiation of the PDP."
>I have volunteered to facilitate this process. If you have views on  
>the issues described in this document, please send me an email  
>outlining those views no later than 5pm EST. Thursday September 20th.  
>I will then incorporate the statements into a single document and  
>forward them to Council for their consideration.
>If you have any questions, please let me know.
>Ross Rader
>Director, Retail Services
>t. 416.538.5492
>c. 416.828.8783
>"To solve the problems of today, we must focus on tomorrow."
>- Erik Nupponen

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