[registrars] Friendly amendment: Privacy for "forgiveness".

Robert F. Connelly BobC at awesome-goo.com
Tue Jul 31 18:06:48 UTC 2007

Dear Registrars:

I am proposing an amendment that I encourage the proposer of the original Budget motion to designate as a "friendly motion" under the Rules of Procedure.

The question of whether a registrar elects to exercise its option to request "forgiveness" is personal and private.  For our Constituency to be credible before the ICANN world, we need to represent the largest number of ICANN Accredited Registrars possible.  The contribution to our credibility is just as great if a registrar pays dues of $250 as if it pays $750.  I would hate to see *any* of our members drop out of the Constituency because she or he was embarrassed to have it known that he or she requested forgiveness.

Constituency Membership is valuable to all of us.  It will be even more valuable when we open the new mailing list and convert the old list to "Announce Only".  

Proposed Amendment to Budget Motion:

Moved that only the Treasurer be in possession of the amount of dues paid by each member of the Registrar Constituency. The amounts dues paid must not be divulged to any other officer or to any other member or to any agency or authority outside the Registrar Constituency, GNSO, or ICANN.  Total privacy is to be assured.

Respectfully submitted,
Bob Connelly

P.S. Posted to the public list, not to the voting members list.

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