[registrars] FW: MUSEUM proposal

Nicrelations nicrelations at ascio.com
Fri Mar 23 09:03:49 UTC 2007

Hi Werner, 
I have to disagree with you, and as John Berryhill said there are other ways of handling the eligibility checks and make the procedures more easy to handle for all the parts involved.

Also .aero has an established link with its industry, and so does .travel, although I agree that their target audience is definitely wider than the one of .museum. The fact that Musedoma has a direct link to International Council of Museums does not necessarily mean that either Musedoma or the Council know how domains work, and I think they probably have better things to do than spend resources to research the subject.

I think that the recent events clearly show the need for a more professional approach to domain registration and management and for better control over who takes the responsibility of acting on behalf of the registrant: being ICANN accredited SHOULD mean that a registrar does fulfil a number of criterias and SHOULD be a guarantee for both registrant and registries that they are dealing with a reliable professional. 

There is for sure a lot to do to improve the way ICANN accredits registrars today and to implement a clear audit system to make sure registrars keep on fulfilling the requirements also after they get their accreditation.

However, opening for exception to this rule, when really what we should do is enhance its ability to be promptly and effectively enforced, would only pave the way to more problems in the future.

Best Regards
Francesco Cetraro
Ascio Technologies inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Werner Staub [mailto:werner at axone.ch]
Sent: 22. marts 2007 22:20
To: Nicrelations
Cc: Registrar Constituency
Subject: Re: [registrars] FW: MUSEUM proposal

Hi Francesco,

> ICANN should definitely spend more time investigating on why this
 > tld has proved to be a failure, rather than trying to accomödate
> this kind of requests. If Musedoma is not able to manage this 
 > tld properly, maybe someone else should take over.

The primary reasons why .museum has has trouble is precisely the fact 
that ICANN requires museums to register via the detour of 
ICANN-accredited registrars, even though they have an established link 
to International Council of Museums.

In this respect, the proposal attempts to fix one of the known flaws of 

The best way to reform the ICANN registrar accreditation concept is 
probably to allow community-based TLDs to have their own non-ICANN 
registrars if they wish, provided that they accept the ICANN registrars.



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