[registrars] Ross Rader

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Sun Nov 4 22:17:26 UTC 2007

I would also like to thank Ross Rader for all his work.
In particular I would like to thank Ross for all his recent work on
trying to reach a compromise in the WHOIS debate between those wanting
more access and more accuracy, and those wanting more privacy protection
for individual registrants.   While the registrars did their best to
reach middle ground, it seems as though other parties were not willing
to compromise.  We are left with the status-quo with respect to the
registrar obligations, although ICANN is willing to reach agreements
with individual registries and registrars when a registry or registrar
is required to adhere to the national law of the country where they are
located.   At times registrars were being blamed by some parties at
trying to press for change to protect criminal activities, or trademark
infringement activities.  It was unfortunate that it was not recognised
that registrars have generally been responding to the requirements and
needs of their customers, the vast majority of whom are lawful users of
the Internet.   I thank Ross for trying to work in this challenging
environment for the benefit of ICANN, and also putting up with personal
attacks from some members of the community.

Thanks Ross.

Bruce Tonkin

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