[registrars] Motion to adopt Tasting Position Statement

Eric Brunner-Williams brunner at nic-naa.net
Fri Nov 9 22:32:53 UTC 2007

> The Registrars Constituency (RC) has not reached Supermajority 
> support for a particular position on Domain Name Tasting.
This puts a (process) conclusion ahead of any (policy) ballot. I suggest 
not making (process) comments, after all, in theory we could reach a 
two-thirds position among the voting RC members.

I think we should put the stability and security issue up front. Phish 
live for days, and the volume of tasting registrations makes it wicked 
difficult to create mechanisms which rely upon this critical temporal 
property -- registrations in the first tens of hours of life -- to 
detect and change A records used in Phish. Part of the energy for WHOIS 
comes from the claim that without WHOIS Phish can't be caught. We don't 
want to make that belief more credible than it already is.

I'll talk to the anti-Phish TF folks and get back to the RC, unless 
someone already has some text ready to go.


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