[registrars] stahura conflicts statement

Paul Stahura stahura at enom.com
Fri Oct 5 17:39:39 UTC 2007

Thank you for the seconds for the nomination committee seat.  Below is
my statement:

I am a fulltime employee of eNom where I'm the founder/CEO.
I am also the COO, and board member, of eNom's parent company,
Demand Media, Inc.  eNom is an accredited registrar that is registering
names in all major gTLDs and ccTLDs.  eNom also owns a number of other
registrars which are primarily used to catch names in the drop for our
customers.  eNom also provides back-end registrar services for other
ICANN accredited registrars.  eNom is a minor shareholder of Afilias.  I
am/was a member of the ICANN whois taskforce.  I was the registrar's
elected rep to the nomcom for 2007. I am not and never have been
in possession of any registry sensitive or proprietary information.

Thanks again,

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