[registrars] Nairobi

Mason Cole masonc at snapnames.com
Wed Feb 3 05:15:43 UTC 2010

Registrars -

Some of you have correctly heard the Intellectual Property Constituency plans to hold an in-person meeting separate from the regular ICANN meetings in Nairobi.  I've been told this is mainly to prepare for their Constituency Day during the Nairobi event - they'll set agendas and go over remote participation for Nairobi.

The RrSG has no plans to have a separate meeting prior to Nairobi.  If any of us would find it helpful to discuss remote participation, assuming it works well this time, I'm happy to ask the meeting staff or the registrar liaison to have a briefing call for us (you know - one in which you can participate remotely).

Please let me know if you'd like this or any other information related to the upcoming meeting.  I'll send out a draft agenda as usual in advance of the March 9 meeting.

Thanks -


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