[registrars] RRA Amendment Approval for .MOSCOW/.MOCKBA

Karla Hakansson karla.hakansson at icann.org
Tue May 2 21:46:05 UTC 2017

Dear Graeme Bunton,

This is to inform you and the Registrar Stakeholder Group that the Registry Operator for .MOSCOW and .MOCKВА top-level domains, FAITID, amended their Registry Registrar Agreement by adding Addendum 11 "Renewal of the domains under URS procedure". The original request was deemed to be a change to their Registration Policies provided as a link in the RRA. The registration policy changed to allow for registration of the domain names from Name Collisions lists during the period of the exclusive registration period. Following several discussions with FAITID it was determined the change was material, but due to an internal processing delay the deadline for the review had passed and the amendment was deemed approved by default prior to its review by the Registrar Stakeholder Group. The Registry Operator has confirmed to ICANN that it has already delivered the RRA Amendment to Registrars who offer registrations in the .MOSCOW and .MOCKВА and top-level domains. ICANN is unable to forward the documents to you as FAITID has marked them "confidential", but you can find them at http://faitid.org/sites/default/files/policy/pricing/RRA_ADD11_ENG.pdf

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly or to reach out to globalsupport at icann.org<mailto:globalsupport at icann.org>.

Karla Hakansson
Director, Registry Services
ICANN - Global Domains Division

(e) Karla.hakansson at icann.org<mailto:Karla.hakansson at icann.org>
(t) +1.310.699.5834
(s) karlahakansson

12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536


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