[registrars] [Ext] Re: RE: RRA Amendment Notification for xn--vuq861b [ ref:_00D616tJk._5004MgGPMH:ref ]

Camia Frank camia.frank at icann.org
Thu Jun 3 00:45:03 UTC 2021

Dear Lynn Xing,

Thank you for your patience. ICANN org and the RrSG are still in discussion about the feedback and will revert back with more information as soon as possible. Please let us know if you have further questions.

Warm Regards,

Camia Frank
GDS Service Delivery

From: "xingna at teleinfo.cn" <xingna at teleinfo.cn>
Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 7:40 PM
To: "aheineman at godaddy.com" <aheineman at godaddy.com>, globalsupport <globalsupport at icann.org>
Cc: Andrew Dickson <andrew.dickson at icann.org>, Jeanne Gregg <jeanne.gregg at icann.org>, "secretariat at icannregistrars.org" <secretariat at icannregistrars.org>, "registrars at icann.org" <registrars at icann.org>, "ceo at teleinfo.cn" <ceo at teleinfo.cn>, Andee Hill <andee.hill at icann.org>, Camia Frank <camia.frank at icann.org>
Subject: [Ext] Re: RE: RRA Amendment Notification for xn--vuq861b [ ref:_00D616tJk._5004MgGPMH:ref ]

Dear Ashley, Robert and all,

Thanks a quick question. Any chance to let us know the expected date for the feedback?


Best Regards,

邢娜   Lynn Xing

手机/Mobile:+86 189 1028 3591

邮箱/Email:xingna at teleinfo.cn [teleinfo.cn]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/liuwei@teleinfo.cn/__;!!PtGJab4!pZS4Iv9HWFf98zRWxhBmVGTRUr9aQUdtTiPEzmzonICjEtZ7xXjPhjaNemFiEsspmdK7nMM$>

www.teleinfo.cn [teleinfo.cn]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.teleinfo.cn/__;!!PtGJab4!pZS4Iv9HWFf98zRWxhBmVGTRUr9aQUdtTiPEzmzonICjEtZ7xXjPhjaNemFiEsspfNJLoiU$>




From: aheineman at godaddy.com<mailto:aheineman at godaddy.com>
Date: 2021-05-25 23:31
To: ICANN - Global Support<mailto:globalsupport at icann.org>
CC: andrew.dickson at icann.org<mailto:andrew.dickson at icann.org>; jeanne.gregg at icann.org<mailto:jeanne.gregg at icann.org>; secretariat at icannregistrars.org<mailto:secretariat at icannregistrars.org>; registrars at icann.org<mailto:registrars at icann.org>; ceo at teleinfo.cn<mailto:ceo at teleinfo.cn>; andee.hill at icann.org<mailto:andee.hill at icann.org>; xingna at teleinfo.cn<mailto:xingna at teleinfo.cn>; camia.frank at icann.org<mailto:camia.frank at icann.org>
Subject: RE: Re: RRA Amendment Notification for xn--vuq861b [ ref:_00D616tJk._5004MgGPMH:ref ]
Dear Robert, all.  My sincerest apologies, but didn’t receive the email from 5/15 (spam folder!).  Let me and the registrars review and get back soonest.

From: ICANN - Global Support <globalsupport at icann.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 10:51 AM
To: Ashley Heineman <aheineman at godaddy.com>
Cc: andrew.dickson at icann.org; jeanne.gregg at icann.org; secretariat at icannregistrars.org; registrars at icann.org; ceo at teleinfo.cn; andee.hill at icann.org; xingna at teleinfo.cn; camia.frank at icann.org
Subject: Re: Re: RRA Amendment Notification for xn--vuq861b [ ref:_00D616tJk._5004MgGPMH:ref ]

Caution: This email is from an external sender. Please do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Forward suspicious emails to isitbad at .

Dear Ashley,

On 15 May 2021, the registry operator provided a response to the RrSG's (30 April 2021) feedback.

This is a follow up to confirm if your Stakeholder Group has concerns, does not have concerns, or if additional review time is required.

Kind regards,
Robert Gomez
GDS Service Delivery

--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: xingna at teleinfo.cn<mailto:xingna at teleinfo.cn> [xingna at teleinfo.cn]
Sent: 5/15/2021 2:20 AM
To: globalsupport at icann.org<mailto:globalsupport at icann.org>; secretariat at icannregistrars.org<mailto:secretariat at icannregistrars.org>
Cc: andrew.dickson at icann.org<mailto:andrew.dickson at icann.org>; jeanne.gregg at icann.org<mailto:jeanne.gregg at icann.org>; registrars at icann.org<mailto:registrars at icann.org>; ceo at teleinfo.cn<mailto:ceo at teleinfo.cn>; andee.hill at icann.org<mailto:andee.hill at icann.org>; aheineman at godaddy.com<mailto:aheineman at godaddy.com>; xingna at teleinfo.cn<mailto:xingna at teleinfo.cn>; camia.frank at icann.org<mailto:camia.frank at icann.org>
Subject: Re: Re: RRA Amendment Notification for xn--vuq861b [ ref:_00D616tJk._5004MgGPMH:ref ]

Dear ICANN team,

Thank you for your feedback and advice!

In order to improve the financial stability, we (as the Registry Operator) have proposed the new prepayment scheme in the Amendment RRA, the main reason is that we would like to promote .???xn--vuQ861B?domain names via all registrars, specially to the registrars who had rich experience in IDN market and sales. They have strong customer base for IDN, we are trying to push our domain sales to a new level. Our registration number were used to be over 50,000. We expect the number of .???xn--vuQ861B?domain names to create a new record. Thus, we want to raise the bar for the new registrar who really wants to cooperate with us and promote .???xn--vuQ861B?domain names together.

This prepayment change will only affect the new registrar, and have minimal impact on the existing registrar. Alternatively, we can reduce the prepayment amount from $153,000 to $76,500. We would like to try this process as the first step, if things go well, we will see if we need to take any further actions. We will follow the ICANN procedure and keep you posted. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best Regards,

??   Lynn Xing

??/Mobile?+86 189 1028 3591

??/Email?xingna at teleinfo.cn [teleinfo.cn]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/liuwei@teleinfo.cn/__;!!PtGJab4!pZS4Iv9HWFf98zRWxhBmVGTRUr9aQUdtTiPEzmzonICjEtZ7xXjPhjaNemFiEsspmdK7nMM$>

www.teleinfo.cn [teleinfo.cn]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.teleinfo.cn/__;!!PtGJab4!pZS4Iv9HWFf98zRWxhBmVGTRUr9aQUdtTiPEzmzonICjEtZ7xXjPhjaNemFiEsspfNJLoiU$>




From: ICANN - Global Support<mailto:globalsupport at icann.org>
Date: 2021-05-05 01:42
To: secretariat at icannregistrars.org<mailto:secretariat at icannregistrars.org>
CC: andrew.dickson at icann.org<mailto:andrew.dickson at icann.org>; jeanne.gregg at icann.org<mailto:jeanne.gregg at icann.org>; registrars at icann.org<mailto:registrars at icann.org>; ceo at teleinfo.cn<mailto:ceo at teleinfo.cn>; andee.hill at icann.org<mailto:andee.hill at icann.org>; aheineman at godaddy.com<mailto:aheineman at godaddy.com>; camia.frank at icann.org<mailto:camia.frank at icann.org>; xingna at teleinfo.cn<mailto:xingna at teleinfo.cn>
Subject: Re: RRA Amendment Notification for xn--vuq861b [ ref:_00D616tJk._5004MgGPMH:ref ]
Dear Zoe Bonython,

Thank you for the update. The Registry Operator is copied on this thread and can directly respond to the RrSG's feedback provided below for convenience:

"The registrars have one material comment on a new requirement in the Amended RRA which essentially states that registrars pre-pay 1 million RMB within 1 month of the signing of the new Agreement. This amounts to approximately US $153,000. Failure to pay this amount will result in “suspension or termination of the authority of Registrar in creating new Standard names.”
In general, the Registrars do not comment on the price of domain name registrars so long as the pricing changes are done in accordance with what is required by ICANN and as reflected in the Registry Agreement.  In this case, we believe that in a Registry where the price of a registration is less than $ US 20, and no registrars has more than 1000 registrations (most have less than 100 names), a prepayment of $153,000 by each Registrar cannot be said to be reasonably related to the proper functioning of the TLD (as is required in Section 2.9 of the Registry Agreement).
We therefore ask that the Registry Operator either remove this new requirement, or in the alternative, explain the purpose of this new requirement and adjust the amount to something more commensurate with what is “reasonably related to the proper functioning of the TLD."

Kind regards,
Robert Gomez
GDS Service Delivery

--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Zoe Bonython [secretariat at icannregistrars.org]
Sent: 4/30/2021 8:17 AM
To: globalsupport at icann.org<mailto:globalsupport at icann.org>; registrars at icann.org<mailto:registrars at icann.org>; aheineman at godaddy.com<mailto:aheineman at godaddy.com>
Cc: ceo at teleinfo.cn<mailto:ceo at teleinfo.cn>; andrew.dickson at icann.org<mailto:andrew.dickson at icann.org>; robert.gomez at icann.org<mailto:robert.gomez at icann.org>; andee.hill at icann.org<mailto:andee.hill at icann.org>; jeanne.gregg at icann.org<mailto:jeanne.gregg at icann.org>; camia.frank at icann.org<mailto:camia.frank at icann.org>
Subject: Re: RRA Amendment Notification for xn--vuq861b [ ref:_00D616tJk._5004MgGPMH:ref ]

Hi Robert & All,

Apologies for the late reply, Ashley is on leave this week.  Please see below for the response from RrSG:

The registrars have one material comment on a new requirement in the Amended RRA which essentially states that registrars pre-pay 1 million RMB within 1 month of the signing of the new Agreement. This amounts to approximately US $153,000. Failure to pay this amount will result in “suspension or termination of the authority of Registrar in creating new Standard names.”

In general, the Registrars do not comment on the price of domain name registrars so long as the pricing changes are done in accordance with what is required by ICANN and as reflected in the Registry Agreement.  In this case, we believe that in a Registry where the price of a registration is less than $ US 20, and no registrars has more than 1000 registrations (most have less than 100 names), a prepayment of $153,000 by each Registrar cannot be said to be reasonably related to the proper functioning of the TLD (as is required in Section 2.9 of the Registry Agreement).

We therefore ask that the Registry Operator either remove this new requirement, or in the alternative, explain the purpose of this new requirement and adjust the amount to something more commensurate with what is “reasonably related to the proper functioning of the TLD.”
Kind regards,

Zoe Bonython
RrSG Secretariat

From: ICANN - Global Support <globalsupport at icann.org<mailto:globalsupport at icann.org>>
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 4:32 PM
To: "secretariat at icannregistrars.org<mailto:secretariat at icannregistrars.org>" <secretariat at icannregistrars.org<mailto:secretariat at icannregistrars.org>>, "registrars at icann.org<mailto:registrars at icann.org>" <registrars at icann.org<mailto:registrars at icann.org>>, "aheineman at godaddy.com<mailto:aheineman at godaddy.com>" <aheineman at godaddy.com<mailto:aheineman at godaddy.com>>
Cc: "ceo at teleinfo.cn<mailto:ceo at teleinfo.cn>" <ceo at teleinfo.cn<mailto:ceo at teleinfo.cn>>, "robert.gomez at icann.org<mailto:robert.gomez at icann.org>" <robert.gomez at icann.org<mailto:robert.gomez at icann.org>>, "andrew.dickson at icann.org<mailto:andrew.dickson at icann.org>" <andrew.dickson at icann.org<mailto:andrew.dickson at icann.org>>, "camia.frank at icann.org<mailto:camia.frank at icann.org>" <camia.frank at icann.org<mailto:camia.frank at icann.org>>, "andee.hill at icann.org<mailto:andee.hill at icann.org>" <andee.hill at icann.org<mailto:andee.hill at icann.org>>, "jeanne.gregg at icann.org<mailto:jeanne.gregg at icann.org>" <jeanne.gregg at icann.org<mailto:jeanne.gregg at icann.org>>
Subject: RE: RRA Amendment Notification for xn--vuq861b [ ref:_00D616tJk._5004MgGPMH:ref ]

Dear Ashley,

On 05 April 2021 ICANN org provided the cover letter and red-lined RRA Amendment for xn--vuq861b submitted by Beijing Tele-info Network Technology Co., Ltd.

This is a follow up to confirm if your Stakeholder Group has concerns, does not have concerns, or if additional review time is required. If the Stakeholder Group has concerns, ICANN org will continue with the next step of the RRA Amendment Procedure, which is to consult with the RrSG and the Registry Operator to attempt to resolve any such concerns.

Kind regards,
Robert Gomez
GDS Service Delivery

--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: ICANN - Global Support [globalsupport at icann.org]
Sent: 4/5/2021 2:31 PM
To: secretariat at icannregistrars.org<mailto:secretariat at icannregistrars.org>; registrars at icann.org<mailto:registrars at icann.org>; aheineman at godaddy.com<mailto:aheineman at godaddy.com>
Cc: andee.hill at icann.org<mailto:andee.hill at icann.org>; andrew.dickson at icann.org<mailto:andrew.dickson at icann.org>; jeanne.gregg at icann.org<mailto:jeanne.gregg at icann.org>; camia.frank at icann.org<mailto:camia.frank at icann.org>; robert.gomez at icann.org<mailto:robert.gomez at icann.org>; ceo at teleinfo.cn<mailto:ceo at teleinfo.cn>
Subject: RRA Amendment Notification for xn--vuq861b [ ref:_00D616tJk._5004MgGPMH:ref ]

Hello Ashley,

Attached, please find the cover letter and the red-lined RRA Amendment for the following TLD submitted by Beijing Tele-info Network Technology Co., Ltd. to be shared with your Stakeholder Group:
Please respond by 23:59 UTC on Monday, 26 April 2021 to let us know if your Stakeholder Group has concerns, does not have concerns, or if additional review time is required. If the Stakeholder Group has concerns, ICANN org will continue with the next step of the RRA Amendment Procedure, which is to consult with the RrSG and the Registry Operator to attempt to resolve any such concerns.

Thank you,
Robert Gomez
GDS Service Delivery[Image removed by sender.]


Kind regards,

Robert Gomez
GDS Service Delivery
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)[Image removed by sender.]

Kind regards,

Robert Gomez
GDS Service Delivery
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Kind regards,

Robert Gomez
GDS Service Delivery
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
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