[RPM-IRT] REMINDER | RPM IRT Meeting #2 | Doodle

Elisa Busetto elisa.busetto at icann.org
Tue Jan 10 09:40:11 UTC 2023

Dear All,

As a kind reminder, please indicate the time slots that suit you best in this doodle [doodle.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/aAN5vLzb__;!!PtGJab4!-XJr9Z7O5OiRrPKyIOIAB5MD4IArNVyjkEMpGLUbQEYEBy1AfBo3cvgFwcn1HKddkfzsA39NMh2DaRrgwLYVSHCKkcMopu_X$> for the second RPM IRT meeting at your earliest convenience. The following meetings will also be scheduled based on the results of the poll.

Many thanks!

Best regards,
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