[RPM-IRT] Quick update request

Kathryn Anne Kleiman kleiman at wcl.american.edu
Tue Jul 11 14:21:57 UTC 2023

Hi All,
I hope all is well. Might I get a quick update for the work of the RPM IRT?   Phil, Brian and I (RPM WG Co-Chairs) were looking forward to attending your scheduled IRT meeting at ICANN77 when Brian found that it was canceled.  Is everything OK?

Unless you object, I will share what you send me with Phil and Brian.

Best regards,

Kathryn Kleiman

American University Washington College of Law, Washington, DC

Senior Policy Fellow, Program on Information Justice & Intellectual Property

Senior Fellow, Tech, Law & Security Program

Author, Proving Ground: The Untold Story of the Six Women Who Programmed the World’s First Modern Computer (Summer 2022)



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