[RRA] RRA Amendment Notification for .gay, .ink, and .wiki [ ref:_00D616tJk._5004MnYT8u:ref ]

Andrew Merriam andrew at toplevel.design
Thu Nov 18 23:56:53 UTC 2021

Thank you, Camia.

Ashley, let me know if I can be of any help. I think it's almost exactly
one year ago that we updated our RRAs for premium names so I'm sure you'll
recall our recent work on this same topic! The additional work required now
was instigated by our planned BERO transition and the need to remove
"CentralNic" from the text of our agreements. We took the opportunity to do
some general formatting improvements, as well as bring those already
approved premium name tiers we worked on last year over to our remaining
TLD, .gay. I'll also note for all that I am not handling the passage of
time well and so my cover letter should state that our transition to a new
BERO is slated for "Q1 *2022*" (not 2021).

Thanks all,


On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 11:09 AM ICANN Global Support Center <
globalsupport at icann.org> wrote:

> Hello Ashley,
> Attached, please find the cover letter and the red-lined RRA Amendments
> for the following TLDs submitted by *Top Level Design, LLC* to be shared
> with your Stakeholder Group:
>    - *.gay*
>    - *.ink*
>    - *.wiki*
> Please respond by *23:59 UTC on Thursday, 09 December 2021* to let us
> know if your Stakeholder Group has concerns, does not have concerns, or if
> additional review time is required. If the Stakeholder Group has concerns,
> ICANN org will continue with the next step of the RRA Amendment Procedure,
> which is to consult with the RrSG and the Registry Operator to attempt to
> resolve any such concerns.
> Warm Regards,
> Camia Frank
> GDS Service Delivery
> ref:_00D616tJk._5004MnYT8u:ref

Andrew Merriam (he / him)
Vice President of Business Development
Top Level Design, LLC
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