[RRA] RRA Amendment Notification for multiple (10) TLDs [ ref:_00D616tJk._5004Mwx4IP:ref ]

ICANN Global Support Center globalsupport at icann.org
Tue Mar 7 00:12:48 UTC 2023

Dear Catherine,

Thank you for the follow-up message to inform us that you require additional review time. We approve your request for an extension.

We look forward to hearing back from you by 3 April 2023.

Warm Regards,

Maritza A.
GDS Service Delivery

--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Catherine Merdinger [catherine at identity.digital]
Sent: 3/6/2023 3:46 PM
To: globalsupport at icann.org
Cc: rra at icann.org; registry at radix.email; aheineman at godaddy.com; gds-rra-amendments at icann.org; secretariat at icannregistrars.org
Subject: Re: RRA Amendment Notification for multiple (10) TLDs [ ref:_00D616tJk._5004Mwx4IP:ref ]
Thank you for providing these RRA amendments.  Due to the upcoming ICANN meeting in Cancun, the RrSG would like to request a one week extension to our response deadline, such that our response will be due on Monday, April 3.  In any event, we will, of course, aim to respond as quickly as possible.

Catherine Merdinger | Corporate Counsel | Identity Digital Inc. | +1.319.541.9416 | she/her

On Mon, Mar 6, 2023 at 3:41 PM ICANN Global Support Center <globalsupport at icann.org> wrote:
Hello Ashley,

Attached, please find the cover letter and the red-lined RRA Amendment for the multiple (10) TLD(s) submitted by Radix FZC to be shared with your Stakeholder Group.

Please respond by 23:59 UTC on 27 March 2023 to let us know if your Stakeholder Group has concerns, does not have concerns, or if additional review time is required. If the Stakeholder Group has concerns, ICANN org will continue with the next step of the RRA Amendment Procedure, which is to consult with the RrSG and the Registry Operator to attempt to resolve any such concerns.

Warm Regards,

Maritza. A
GDS Service Delivery

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