[RRA] RRA Amendment Notification for 196 TLDs [ ref:!00D6106tJk.!500Kk0zDRF:ref ]

Catherine Paletta catherine at identity.digital
Mon Jul 8 20:32:42 UTC 2024

Apologies ICANN - receipt confirmed.
*Catherine Paletta *(Merdinger) *| *Corporate Counsel, CIPP/E *| Identity
Digital *Inc. *|* +1.319.541.9416 *| *she/her

On Mon, Jul 8, 2024 at 1:27 PM Global Support Center <
globalsupport at nsp.icann.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am following up to ensure you received the RRA Amendments sent on
> Friday. Please let me know as soon as possible.
> Best Regards,
> Maritza Alarcon
> GDS Service Delivery
> --------------- Original Message ---------------
> *From:* Global Support Center [globalsupport at nsp.icann.org]
> *Sent:* 7/5/2024 9:50 AM
> *To:* aheineman at godaddy.com; secretariat at icannregistrars.org;
> rra at icann.org; catherine at identity.digital
> *Cc:* gds-rra-amendments at icann.org; catherine at identity.digital
> *Subject:* RRA Amendment Notification for 196 TLDs [
> ref:!00D6106tJk.!500Kk0zDRF:ref ]
> Hello,
> Attached, please find the cover letter and the red-lined RRA Amendment for
> the following TLD(s) submitted by Binky Moon, LLC to be shared with your
> Stakeholder Group:
>    - *196 TLDs*
> Please respond by 23:59 UTC on 26 July 2024 to let us know if your
> Stakeholder Group has concerns, does not have concerns, or if additional
> review time is required. If the Stakeholder Group has concerns, ICANN org
> will continue with the next step of the RRA Amendment Procedure, which is
> to consult with the RrSG and the Registry Operator to attempt to resolve
> any such concerns.
> Please note that there are a total of 5 RRA Amendments that have the same
> cover letter and redlines that will be coming your way. Also, per the RO “The
> Registry Policies can be found, depending on the policy, on Identity
> Digital's website (https://www.identity.digital/policies), or on our
> registrar portal, which is only accessible to Identity Digital registrars."
> Warm Regards,
> Maritza Alarcon
> GDS Service Delivery
> ref:!00D6106tJk.!500Kk0zDRF:ref
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