[RSSAC Caucus] RSS Metrics Work Party Aug 8

Wessels, Duane dwessels at verisign.com
Wed Aug 7 23:48:45 UTC 2019

Dear RSSAC Caucus members,

We will hold an RSS Metrics work party meeting tomorrow at 17:00 UTC.

Here's brief agenda of topics that I would like to discuss.  If you have anything to add please let myself or ICANN staff know at the start of the meeting.

- Recap of decisions from previous meeting in Montreal
- Document restructuring
    - new "Background & Scope" section
    - Probes & Vantage Points section
    - Examples moved to the end
    - Appendix of simulation results
- Should published reports contain only pass/fail, or the metric's value (and precision)?
- Report metrics separately for UDP/TCP/v4/v6?
- Need recommendations for probe / vantage point
    - quantity
    - location
    - connectivity etc.
- Need plan for coming up with thresholds (and rationale)


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