[RSSAC Caucus] Revisiting RSSAC002v3

Yoshitaka Aharen aharen at jprs.co.jp
Tue Aug 20 02:25:42 UTC 2019

On Mon, 19 Aug 2019 16:55:12 +0100
Ray Bellis <ray at isc.org> wrote:

> >> This is problematic.  There is no readily available in-server
> >> metric and/or log that contains this information.
> >
> > Creating the metric is trivial. In fact, there is already a Twitter
> > account that exists pretty much for it.
> Indeed, but that Twitter account is maintaining copies of the root zone,
> and then performing a "diff" each time it changes.  This requires state.
> Since receiving an XFR is an autonomous function of a name server (and
> which is stateless in the case of AXFR) capturing the change count at
> each RSO would require additional software and/or systems, and in theory
> they should all just give out the same answer anyway.
> If it were to be done, just have the RZM do it (but see below).

I agree with the opinion.  It is a metric of the root zone as well as
existing "zone-size" which is collected only by the RZM.
I think such metrics of the root zone (if needed) should be collected
and published by the RZM.  Collecting the metrics by each RSOs is
duplication of work, as all of the RSOs serve the authentic root zone.

Best Regards,

Yoshitaka Aharen <aharen at jprs.co.jp>
Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd.

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