[RSSAC Caucus] Revisiting RSSAC002v3

Fred Baker fred at isc.org
Tue Aug 20 23:02:01 UTC 2019

> On Aug 19, 2019, at 6:27 PM, YAN Zhiwei <yanzhiwei at cnnic.cn> wrote:
> I think we may need to consider the adoption situation of new technologies from the view of root servers, such as new transport protocols (QUIC)  and DoT/DoH and RFC7816......  although some have not been widely deployed yet.  

Ditto Paul's thoughts.

At the moment, the root servers accumulate and report the statistics to an RSO-central service, which is then converted to a single YAML file (summing up tens or hundreds of server's observations) and uploaded to root-servers.org. Whether QUIC or whatever is used by a given RSO is pretty much up to that RSO. If there is a desire to support QUIC as an access transport on root-servers.org, that could probably be accommodated, but it's a different question.

The use of DoT or DoH for DNS service from the root servers themselves might be a more interesting question. RSSAC001 only discusses the use of DNS (as in RFC 1034/5 as updated); the resolvers haven't asked for DoT/DoH. My understanding is that the DoT/DoH specifications are currently limited to stub resolvers as opposed to services such as the DNS Root, and the obvious software hasn't necessarily been updated to directly support it. I suspect there are scaling issues with perpetual pipelined transport sessions...

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