[RSSAC Caucus] [RSS Metrics] Update on the RSS Metrics document

Karl Reuss reuss at umd.edu
Wed Dec 4 20:52:12 UTC 2019

I was able to see the comments in the pdf attachment.  Here are my thoughts on some of comments:

Comment3/4 - I think the paragraph in question expands on the ending of the previous sentence/paragraph: "and diverse connectivity providers".  To me, having diverse connectivity providers is critical.  Unlike root servers that typically peer with many providers at a facility, vantage points will most likely have a connection to a single provider (ISP) who may have a very different routing policy than the another ISP three racks over.  My vote is to leave the additional paragraph in to reinforce the connectivity diversity recommendation.

Comment 8 - I may have started the discussion on this point.  After reviewing some publication latency data I envisioned a worst case scenario where a root could have horrible publishing latency to slightly less than half the vantage points and still have a great median, so I threw a comment in the doc right before hoping on a plane.  After some thought I decided this was an unrealistic contrived scenario, and that publication latency isn't that different from our other metrics.   My thought is to leave it 'median' for consistency.


On 12/3/19 5:38 PM, Steve Sheng wrote:
> Dear Metrics WP,
>   Please see the attached document in PDF that shows the remaining areas (with comments) that needs to be addressed.
>  The google doc is in view only mode, so you might not be able to see all these comments.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vC2OTSOdWKjmUQanYx4ZlUGnu-5npwvJzRRSFg1BjQE/edit?usp=sharing
> Best
> Steve
> *From: *Steve Sheng <steve.sheng at icann.org>
> *Date: *Wednesday, November 27, 2019 at 12:12 PM
> *To: *"rssac-caucus at icann.org" <rssac-caucus at icann.org>
> *Subject: *[RSS Metrics] Update on the RSS Metrics document
> Dear RSS Metrics WP,
>   Following the RSS metrics discussions at ICANN66 and IETF106,  the work party co-chair and staff worked on the document to address your comments.
>   We have identified a few outstanding comments to be discussed at the upcoming WP call. But otherwise, the document is stable. Therefore, the staff has put the document into view only mode.
>   If you have any substantial comments please submit them directly to the mailing list with alternative wording.
>  If you have copy-edit comments, please submit them to Steve Sheng (steve.sheng at icann.org <mailto:steve.sheng at icann.org>).
> Best
> Steve
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