[RSSAC Caucus] INPUT REQUESTED: Proposal for Future Root Zone KSK Rollovers

Andrew McConachie andrew.mcconachie at icann.org
Wed Dec 11 16:05:57 UTC 2019

Dear RSSAC Caucus,

A friendly reminder to send in any feedback by December 15th.


On Dec 3, 2019, at 22:49, Andrew McConachie <andrew.mcconachie at icann.org<mailto:andrew.mcconachie at icann.org>> wrote:

Dear RSSAC Caucus,

The IANA has published a Proposal for Future Root Zone KSK Rollovers and is soliciting public comments on it.
<https://www.icann.org/public-comments/proposal-future-rz-ksk-rollovers-2019-11-01-en [icann.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_public-2Dcomments_proposal-2Dfuture-2Drz-2Dksk-2Drollovers-2D2019-2D11-2D01-2Den&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=KNEpS67O2txk54bIz-1lXP0tI5Rmtg88Ogwh6PVSGXJyTMuY0E2SHr70jrG3fGLJ&m=YoEr8VEKz6dca-SGMKWvE03nw_u3sPlsVD0NNpEPcHM&s=iSIeBJOqhJGp75k8Ljg2x9X2ytOJJS9p0ftdFWwR7q0&e=>>

The RSSAC wishes to solicit feedback from the Caucus to determine its response. Please review the proposal and if you have comments please send them to this list by December 15th. Depending on the comments and discussion generated on this list the RSSAC may kick off a quick work party to draft input, or we may just continue using this list for development of the document.

The final deadline for input is January 31, 2020. So we don’t have too much time to get something ready.

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rssac-caucus at icann.org<mailto:rssac-caucus at icann.org>

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