[RSSAC Caucus] Collected KSK comments

ABDULKARIM AYOPO OLOYEDE oloyede.aa at unilorin.edu.ng
Mon Dec 16 11:04:24 UTC 2019

Hi Fred,
I agree with you. It should be from the group if we majorly agree that they
are valid observation which I think they are.

On Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 4:55 AM Fred Baker <fred at isc.org> wrote:

> I'm pulling together comments that we might make. I am including who said
> them, because we said that Caucus contributions would be attributable to
> their source. Speaking for myself, I would rather have the comments be
> considered to have been made by the committee, which is to say without
> attribution. If that's a general viewpoint, let me know.
> George Michaelson:
> The proposal should address algorithm rollover. As that is considered out
> of scope for this version, propose for the next change.
> The proposal should include measurement. (George: specifically what would
> you like to measure?)
> The alternate/replacement key pre-gen stuff is forward-thinking, and good.
> Paul Muchene:
> Phase D, the KSK standby state, it potentially invites an attacker to
> exploit possible vulnerabilities with either the properties of the key or
> key generation algorithm.
> If phase D could be reduced a reasonably shorter duration (1-1.5 years)
> this problem could be mitigated. However, if this duration is pretty short
> and will inconvenience the dissemination of the KSK to OS and DNS software
> vendors, then considerations should be proposed for using a longer KSK key
> length of 3072-bit RSA.
> Dessalegn Yehuala
> Section 2.4 seems to give a soft rationale for the rollover frequency.
> Arguments exist for a longer or a shorter interval, and these arguments
> don't seem to be strong enough to make a firm choice.
> Section 2.6 assumes current state of the strength of the current
> cryptographic algorithm employed for the KSK (2048-bit RSA), there is no
> risk mitigation identified in the event the current cryptographic algorithm
> discovered to have some exploitable vulnerabilities.
> Fred Baker: in that context, researchers from KeyFactor presented a paper
> at First IEEE Conference on Trust, Privacy, and Security that reported that
> one in 172 RSA certificates certified keys for which the private key could
> be derived from the public key.
> Davey Song: Suggests changing to an ECC algorithm rather than changing to
> a 3072 bit key.
> There should be a predictable timeline for algorithm rollover and as a
> result a advance timeline for study, review, and testing work on this.
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