[RSSAC Caucus] FOR REVIEW: RSSAC Advisory on Metrics for the DNS Root Servers and Root Server System

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Thu Dec 19 20:03:11 UTC 2019

On Dec 18, 2019, at 7:30 AM, Wessels, Duane via rssac-caucus <rssac-caucus at icann.org> wrote:
> And for the benefit of others, the wording under discussion appears in the very first bullet of the Introduction section.  The old text was:
>  Defines measurements and metrics to ensure Root Server Operators (RSOs) are meeting a minimum level of performance.
> It was pointed out (by Ray I believe) that the word "ensure" was maybe problematic given the paragraph later in the section about how none of these are *binding* absent contractual obligations.  There was some suggestions made during the call and in the chat.  Russ' proposed text included the word "appropriate" which I took some issue with.   After the work party call, Russ, Steve, and myself met and we felt that the text below would be best:
>  Defines measurements and metrics that Root Server Operators (RSOs) meet to provide a minimum level of performance.
> Ray (and everyone) are you okay with that?

Wearing a "good use of terminology" hat:

- RSOs do not meet measurements, and they don't meet metrics: they meet thresholds.

- As the rest of the paragraph says, the thresholds are also for non-performance things like correctness.

There are similar problems in the rest of the paragraph as well, such as not talking about the RSS, not defining what "RSS" stands for, and mixing up measurements and metrics. A proposed change for the whole paragraph:

Defines thresholds that Root Server Operators (RSOs) and the Root Server System (RSS) meet to provide a minimum level of acceptable service. These thresholds are based on metrics designed to assess the performance, availability, and quality of service that each RSO provides. These thresholds, as well as the metrics on which they are based, are included as the RSSAC’s input to a yet-to-be defined evaluation process for future RSOs.

--Paul Hoffman
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