[RSSAC Caucus] Metrics vantage point connectivity

Daniel Migault mglt.biz at gmail.com
Fri Dec 20 02:21:00 UTC 2019

Hi Paul,

I do not remember why the following requirements have been added. Though, I
am reading "should" as non mandatory, so I am find with the text as it is,
but I would not object this sentence to be removed either.

When VMs are utilized, they should provide dedicated IP addresses and a
dedicated operating system environment.


On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 4:04 PM Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman at icann.org> wrote:

> Greetings again. The current text on vantage point connectivity says:
> > 3.3    Connectivity and Other Requirements
> >
> > Vantage points shall be hosted inside data centers with reliable power
> and diverse connectivity providers.
> >
> > Vantage points within the same geographic region should use different
> connectivity providers if at all possible. E.g., VP#1 uses ISP#1, VP#2 uses
> ISP#2, etc. Diversity of connectivity providers helps to increase RSS
> coverage and avoid situations where multiple vantage points all reach the
> same root server instance.
> >
> > Vantage points may be deployed on “bare metal” or virtual machines
> (VMs). When VMs are utilized, they should provide dedicated IP addresses
> and a dedicated operating system environment.
> In essence, the text in the second paragraph requires that every vantage
> point allow provisioning of the connectivity provider. It basically
> restricts the kind of VMs that could be used, since none of the widely-used
> VM providers I have found allow for such provisioning. In fact, it kinda
> pushes the vantage points to be on bare metal, since those rentals are more
> likely to allow such provisioning. Given that the regions are quite large
> and so the cities could be quite far from each other, it is not clear how
> much advantage (if any) this restriction would have. It is also not clear
> why the diversity is given just for within a region.
> Separately, the text "E.g., VP#1 uses ISP#1, VP#2 uses ISP#2, etc." is not
> terribly grammatical. It also uses "ISP" instead of "connectivity
> provider". It doesn't add anything to the paragraph, and can safely be
> removed.
> If this is really what RSSAC wants, that's fine, but it will place limits
> on which cities can have vantage points because not all cities have data
> centers that allow this kind of provisioning. If RSSAC instead wants to
> give itself more freedom for vantage point placement, maybe just change the
> second paragraph to:
> Having diverse connectivity providers for the vantage points helps to
> increase RSS coverage and avoid situations where multiple vantage points
> all reach the same root server instance. The network routing used by
> vantage points is detectable using the measurements described in Section
> 4.8. If configuring particular vantage points allows selecting a
> connectivity provider, this can be used to increase the diversity of the
> measurement system.
> --Paul Hoffman_______________________________________________
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Daniel Migault
8400 boulevard Decarie
Montreal, QC   H4P 2N2

Phone: +1 514-452-2160
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