[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] Re: Call for Volunteers: Rogue Root Server Operator Work Party

Ozan Sahin ozan.sahin at icann.org
Mon Apr 13 14:56:49 UTC 2020

Hi Wes,

Thank you. I will make sure to put you on both lists. And thanks for pointing out the typo in my emails.

Dear RSSAC Caucus members - My apologies about the typo and inconvenience caused. My emails read “If you would like to join the RSS Metrics Work Party..” which is now closed. Please let me know if you would like to join the Rogue RSO Work Party or/and Local Perspective Tool Work Party by Friday, 17 April 2020.


Ozan Sahin
Policy Specialist
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Telephone:       +90 212 999 6218
Mobile:             +90 533 641 0007
Skype:              ozan.sahin.icann

From: Wes Hardaker <hardaker at isi.edu>
Date: Monday, April 13, 2020 at 5:48 PM
To: Ozan Sahin <ozan.sahin at icann.org>
Cc: "rssac-caucus at icann.org" <rssac-caucus at icann.org>
Subject: [Ext] Re: [RSSAC Caucus] Call for Volunteers: Rogue Root Server Operator Work Party

On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 5:54 AM Ozan Sahin <ozan.sahin at icann.org<mailto:ozan.sahin at icann.org>> wrote:

If you would like to join the RSS Metrics Work Party please send an email to me (ozan.sahin at icann.org<mailto:ozan.sahin at icann.org>) by Friday, 17 April 2020. Thanks to Abdulkarim Oloyede, Marc Blanchet, and Michael Frauenhoffer who have already shown interest.

I suspect you have a cut-n-paste typo in there, as you quoted the metrics work party not the Rogue one.  But put me on this list too please.  Unclear how much I'll contribute, but hopefully some.
Wes Hardaker
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