[RSSAC Caucus] Chinese Critical Infrastructure Event Wednesday (in China)

Fred Baker fred at isc.org
Thu Aug 13 19:43:32 UTC 2020

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, the Chinese held a Critical Infrastructure EVEnt last Wednesday. You can find their recording of it at https://bcs.qianxin.com/2020/live/index?meeting_id=18. Paul Hoffman and I spoke in English, and there were three speakers in Chinese following us.

One thing you will notice is that it sounds like a sentence or two got dropped out in various places. Our ICANN counterparts in China tells us that there was some data loss when I did the talk; I presume that the places where there was data loss are in those places. My apologies. I will be using the same slides to give essentially the same talk at the Taiwan IGF on 12 November local, 11 November in California. With any luck, we'll get a better recording of that and will be able to distribute a link to it.

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