[RSSAC Caucus] Root system latency visualisation

Ray Bellis ray at isc.org
Thu Dec 10 16:19:03 UTC 2020

Fellow Caucus members -

In support of the Local Perspective Working Party I have produced a
visualation that allows you to see the latency to the Root System as
seen by RIPE Atlas Probes.

The visualisation shows the latency by colour, and hovering over a
probe's location will show the latency to each RSO and the RSO's
geo-code for the associated Anycast instance.

Of particular use is the slider found at top-right which determines how
many of the latency figures are used to determine the colour of a point.

At its default position of 1 it shows the latency to the single fastest
instance, and at the other extreme of 13 it shows the worst case latency.

If on the other hand you pick e.g. 4, a point that remains green
indicates that at least four instances provide a "good" latency (where
for the purposes of this visualisation that's about 40ms).

The tool may be accessed at <https://atlas-vis.isc.org/>

It's tested and developed using Chrome, but should work on other modern
browsers.   Please note that it does typically take around a minute for
the current data to be extracted from the RIPE Atlas API servers.

Ray Bellis

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