[RSSAC Caucus] RSSAC Advisory on Metrics for the DNS Root Servers and Root Server System

Wessels, Duane dwessels at verisign.com
Mon Feb 3 18:13:20 UTC 2020

Dear RSSAC Caucus,

As you know, the RSS Metrics document was recently finalized within the Caucus and to be voted on by RSSAC this week.  However, we, the work party leaders, are proposing two small additions to the document in order to resolve some recently discovered deficiencies in the correctness checking rules of section 5.3. The attached PDF file shows the proposed new text, on pages 18 and 19.

While we are somewhat hesitant to make these additions after having gone through a last call phase, we feel that these are important enough to get right for the first version. Briefly, the two changes are: (1) to exclude ARPA/NS queries, and (2) to require at least one "glue" RR in a delegation response.  To be clear, if (1) is not addressed at this time, all RSIs would, in all likelihood, fail the correctness thresholds as written through no fault of their own.

Therefore, we are proposing to delay the RSSAC vote on this document by one month and to request the Caucus' approval to proceed with these additions.  Russ and I kindly ask you to focus only the new additions.  It is not our intention to open up the entire document for editing or other additions at this time.

Please provide any comments regarding the additions here on the list by Monday, February 10th.


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