[RSSAC Caucus] 48 HOUR LAST CALL: UPDATED RSSAC Advisory on Metrics for the DNS Root Servers and Root Server System

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Fri Feb 14 02:01:46 UTC 2020

On Feb 13, 2020, at 5:25 PM, Geoff Huston <gih at apnic.net> wrote:
> I am sorry to be late to the party here, but I have some time this morning and I was going through this document and I had some questions in my head after reading it.
> Now these three items have probably been discussed in some detail already, so I can quite appreciate that a response may well be “been there, thought of that, nothing more to see” but I thought I should check…
> 1. UDP Query discard rate
> It would be the normal expectation that each root server answers all UDP queries (“normal” in so far as it's a reasonable defence to a DOS attack to discard queries). The point is that root server instances should be maintained to provide a capacity of service that answers the “normal” load of root server queries. 
> I could imagine a test of sending 10 (or some other not too small, not too large number)  back-to-back queries to a root server and checking that all queries receive a response. A highly loaded server instance would not necessarily provide all 10 responses, while a server instance operating with its designed query load paramters would provide all the responses
> 2. TCP connection completion rate
> Similar to UDP Query Discard rate, but looking at the same rate using TCP connections to the server instance
> 3. ICMP Packet too Big Compliance
> Large DNS responses are troublesome to handle well. Is it a reasonable expectation that root server instances react to ICMP packet too big messages in both IPv4 and IPv6?

These are all interesting metrics, and I don't remember anyone bringing them up before now. 

For the first two, I don't see how they would be different than simply measuring for timeouts like we are now. Wouldn't a timeout indicate the kind of failure you are looking for? If not, we could certainly consider adding those tests.

For the third, I would want to see a specific test plan before I could feel comfortable adding the test. What does "react" mean to you here?

--Paul Hoffman
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