Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Fri Feb 21 22:33:55 UTC 2020

On Feb 20, 2020, at 5:14 AM, Ray Bellis <ray at isc.org> wrote:
> I missed any discussion relating to this change:
> "Section 3.5 (The Number of Sources Seen) was amended to remove text
> stating that the “num-sources-*” measurements are optional and will be
> reviewed after 3 years."
> I don't agree with it, and as an Operator I am technically unable to
> fully comply with it.  We can only produce figures from a subset of our
> nodes.

Just to be clear: are you saying that you can only produce figures for Section 3.5 (number of sources seen) for a subset of your nodes, or that you can only produce figures for a subset of your nodes for *all* the measurements? If the latter, that's going to mess up the evaluation of the measurements for the whole RSS. Even if it is just the former, that will make the measurements in Section 3.5 be not comparable to the other sections.

--Paul Hoffman

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