[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] 48 HOUR LAST CALL : RSSAC002v4

Ray Bellis ray at isc.org
Mon Feb 24 11:59:01 UTC 2020

On 24/02/2020 10:17, Andrew McConachie wrote:

> However, it’s not clear to me what this means for the unique-sources
> metric. Would the reporting RSO include num-sources-ipv6 as part of
> their rssac002v4 unique-sources metric(option A), or would there be a
> separate rssac002v3 unique-sources with a single key for
> num-sources-ipv6(option B)?

> ========
> version: rssac002v4  
> service: a.root-servers.net
> start-period: 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z 
> metric: unique-sources
> num-sources-ipv4: 3740666
> num-sources-ipv6-aggregate: 114142
> num-sources-ipv6: 114142
> ========
> version: rssac002v4  
> service: a.root-servers.net
> start-period: 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z 
> metric: unique-sources
> num-sources-ipv4: 3740666
> num-sources-ipv6-aggregate: 114142
> version: rssac002v3  
> service: a.root-servers.net
> start-period: 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z 
> metric: unique-sources
> num-sources-ipv6: 114142

The latter isn't legal YAML if stored in a single file.

I'd just go with option A, and ensure that we in future revisions we
never change the semantics of any previously specified keys.


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