Andrew McConachie andrew.mcconachie at icann.org
Thu Feb 27 20:48:31 UTC 2020

Dear RSSAC Caucus Members,

Thanks everyone who gave feedback during the review of RSSAC026v2. I made a couple of nits to the document. The one substantial change was to the definition of instance (anycast instance).

The definition now reads:
An instance, or an anycast instance,[0] is the portion of a root server operator's infrastructure that serves root data at one site (i.e., topological location on the Internet) using an IP address associated with a root server identifier.

[0] See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc4786/

You can review the whole document here:

The RSSAC would like vote on this document at its March 10th meeting, so the document must be stable by March 3rd. If you have any final comments please send them to the list before Monday March 2.

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