[RSSAC Caucus] FOR REVIEW: RSSAC Statement on IANA's Proposal for Future Root Zone KSK Rollovers

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Wed Jan 8 21:31:28 UTC 2020

All: I have made one proposed addition to a sentence that was added during the call. The sentence read:

  However, the RSSAC would like to see a stronger commitment from IANA to begin
  studying and documenting a comprehensive approach to an algorithm rollover,
  and have that plan subject to public review.

I think we should mention key length changes:

  However, the RSSAC would like to see a stronger commitment from IANA to begin
  studying and documenting a comprehensive approach to an algorithm rollover or key length change,
  and have that plan subject to public review.

I bring this up because IANA might choose not to change algorithms for a long time, but might want to change the key length to avoid issues with crypto-breaking quantum computers that attack RSA keys. There is nascent research that suggests that crypto-breaking quantum computers that attack elliptic curve keys might be easier to construct than ones that attack RSA keys, and simply using longer RSA keys could significantly reduce the ability for crypto-breaking quantum computers to break them.


--Paul Hoffman
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