[RSSAC Caucus] FOR REVIEW: RSSAC026v2: RSSAC Lexicon

Danielle Rutherford danielle.rutherford at icann.org
Fri Jan 24 00:14:21 UTC 2020

Dear RSSAC Caucus,

Please find for your review the draft version 2 of the RSSAC Lexicon: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Un1lCkek4aAyCi9a_oBcoRP02kJ72NtX1ic-LDlb58/edit?usp=sharing

Please review the document and provide any final comments by close-of-business everywhere Thursday, 30 January 2020.

Note: there is still one unresolved comment in the document regarding the use of the word “server” or “location” in the definition for the term “instance (anycast instance)” at the top of page 5. Karl Reuss sent out an email to the Caucus regarding this definition earlier today, 23 January. Can the Caucus please discuss this comment on the list and reach an agreement by 30 January?

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