[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] FOR REVIEW: RSSAC026v2: RSSAC Lexicon

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Thu Jan 30 00:47:11 UTC 2020

Wes' formulation seem close to me. I disagree with the proposal that this document should define "anycast" and "anycast routing instance" or "anycast site": that won't help almost any reader of the document. Those things are important to the operators, but there is enough variety of operations that nailing those down by definitions would not be helpful.

However, there is some circularity and repetition that might get in the way for use of the terms. The following is based on Wes' proposal, along with Terry's idea. It has a bit of editing to match the current formatting, to simplify, and to tie the definitions together a bit closer. It is presented in the order it could appear in the document.


root server operator  ## identical to current document
A root server operator is an organization responsible for managing the root service on IP addresses specified in the root zone and the root hints file. This term is often abbreviated as “RSO”.

root server identifier
A root server identifier is the DNS name for a root server operator that appears in the root zone and root hints file.

root server
A root server is all of the infrastructure that is maintained by a root server operator to handle the root service at the IP addresses associated with the root server identifier in the root zone and the root hints file.

root server instance
A root server instance is the portion of a root server operator's infrastructure that serves root data at one of the IP addresses associated with a root server identifier.

instance (anycast instance) ## remove current text altogether
root server identity  ## remove current text altogether



--Paul Hoffman
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