[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] FOR REVIEW: RSSAC026v2: RSSAC Lexicon

Matt Larson matt at kahlerlarson.org
Fri Jan 31 14:21:17 UTC 2020

Omnibus reply...

> On Jan 29, 2020, at 7:47 PM, Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman at icann.org> wrote:
> root server identifier
> A root server identifier is the DNS name for a root server operator that appears in the root zone and root hints file.

Strictly speaking, a root server identifier is not a name "for" an RSO; it is a name associated with an RSO. So how about:

root server identifier
A root server identifier is the DNS name associated with a root server operator that appears in the root zone and root hints file.

> On Jan 30, 2020, at 9:25 PM, Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman at icann.org> wrote:
> On Jan 30, 2020, at 5:50 PM, Paul Vixie <paul at redbarn.org> wrote:
>> On Thursday, 30 January 2020 13:56:04 UTC Karl Reuss wrote:
>>> On 1/29/20 8:33 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:
>>>> we have dispensed with 'site' and 'location' as relationships which would
>>>> define a 'portion of' as a 'root server instance', and that's good (says
>>>> me).
>>> Personally, I'm not ready to give up on location/site as part of the RSSAC
>>> definition for instance.  When we're at an RSSAC meeting discussing
>>> instances, location is the primary way we identify them. I really liked the
>>> plain language Wes used in his recent definitions and i'm concerned your
>>> more technically accurate definition will confuse much of our RSSAC
>>> audience.
> If folks really like "site", we could go back to something close to Wes' original wording ("...that serves root data from a particular site...") with:
>   A root server instance is the portion of a root server operator's infrastructure
>   that serves root data at one site using one of the IP addresses associated with
>   a root server identifier.

I am sympathetic to the need to include a notion of topological location in the definition of instance: I don't think there's a way around it. How about we simply (he writes, hopefully) qualify "site" as topological location:

A root server instance is the portion of a root server operator's infrastructure that serves root data at one site (i.e., topological location [on the Internet]) using one of the IP addresses associated with a root server identifier.

(The bracketed text is redundant but adds clarity.)

I know "i.e." is a bit clunky (Paul Hoffman consistently tries to remove it when editing my writing), but I think it serves a good purpose here.


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