[RSSAC Caucus] Chinese Critical Infrastructure Event

Mallory Knodel mknodel at cdt.org
Thu Jul 23 20:05:08 UTC 2020

If they're overdubbing Chinese then that would be a challenge for me, 
but I can ignore subtitles and listen to your voice. In any case, I just 
enjoy diversifying my consumption of information and it's rare to find 
non-textual formats in this sector. Thanks Fred and Andrew if you're 
able to find it. If not, I'll certainly read the slides. -M

On 7/23/20 3:58 PM, Fred Baker wrote:
> Well, we didn't record it here. Our Chinese counterparts recorded it and are adding Mandarin subtitles. So, unless you speak Chinese, I don't know that the recording will be helpful to you.
> I'm copying Andrew, who presumably has links to the tutorials he has given at ICANN (from which much of this is derived), and may be able to find a recording of the talk Brad and I gave to the GAC a year ago.
>> On Jul 23, 2020, at 10:54 AM, Mallory Knodel <mknodel at cdt.org> wrote:
>> Thanks Fred,
>> Will your talk be shared publicly, eventually?
>> -Mallory
>> On 7/23/20 12:45 PM, Fred Baker wrote:
>>> As requested by Paul Hoffman, I'm sharing the request that ICANN's Asia-Pacific team sent to the RSSAC, and the slides that I plan to share with that event. I recorded a presentation this morning, and ICANN's Asia team will add Mandarin subtitles to help our Chinese colleagues to follow the presentation. For the record, this presentation derives from the RSSAC Tutorial shared at ICANN meetings the past several years, and the discussion of the evolution work presented to the GAC about a year ago. There is nothing confidential about the information we are sharing, nor should any of it be a surprise. There is, however, some sensitivity around authority; I can, of course, speak to the RSSAC and to ISC's issues. Much of my point in this talk is that important parts are managed by the IANA, are enacted by the ICANN Board, or are deferred to the GWG; in a perfect world, these agencies would speak for themselves, but that would be a difficult dance. So I will identify the action and the actor, and that RSSAC is not authoritative (as in, "if you have detailed questions, you should really talk with them").
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>> -- 
>> Mallory Knodel
>> CTO, Center for Democracy and Technology
>> gpg fingerprint :: E3EB 63E0 65A3 B240 BCD9 B071 0C32 A271 BD3C C780
Mallory Knodel
CTO, Center for Democracy and Technology
gpg fingerprint :: E3EB 63E0 65A3 B240 BCD9 B071 0C32 A271 BD3C C780

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