[RSSAC Caucus] Initial implementation of RSSAC047

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Thu Jun 18 01:23:48 UTC 2020

Greetings again. As we discussed during the preparation of RSSAC047, ICANN org was going to create an initial implementation of the requirements in the document. The primary goal of this implementation is to help the RSSAC Caucus think more about metrics collecting.

I have prepared a very early cut of the initial implementation:
It is mostly (but not completely) functional, but could probably use a lot of help from the Caucus to make it more useful. If you have a GitHub account, please feel free to open issues or send pull requests. Note that I'm doing this as part of ICANN org, not as a formal part of the Caucus work. I'll add and fix things as a best-effort task among the rest of my work.

One important note is that I have not set up the expected 20 vantage points, but am starting to do so now. I expect to have 20 up before the end of June so that the report at the end of July is representative (although it is likely to have flaws due to this being a very early implementation). I am having problems finding enough locations for vantage points in South America and Africa, but believe that I can have those regions filled in adequately in August.

Let me know what you think, either in email or by opening issues. I'll send periodic progress reports to the Caucus mailing list.

--Paul Hoffman
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