[RSSAC Caucus] Checking whether current RSOs are authoritative for TLDs: nope

Wes Hardaker hardaker at isi.edu
Fri May 1 15:15:16 UTC 2020

There was discussion today on the newly forming work party about rogue
behavior (a work party name change may occur, but I'm using the current
one) about whether existing RSOs were serving data other than the root,
arpa and root-servers.net from their existing root server infrastructure.
One of the questions was whether TLDs were being served authoritatively
from some  instances.  I threw together a few quick bash scripts to do
minimal checking of this and determined that based on advertised addresses
and the root zone data, there are no RSOs currently advertising TLD service
within the root zone data.  Details here:


(feel free to embrace and extend)
Wes Hardaker
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